I am a Blogger/YouTube Creator


My Longtime Work as a Survey Panelist
For many years, at least 30 years now I have been a survey panelist, and being a survey panelist is the most underpaid profession in existence. For 2 years now I have been trying to leave all surveys behind and just be a blogger and or YouTube creator. I have watched videos on how to be a successful blogger or video creator. First I want to explain that a survey panelist has to deal with shady companies who give you a long list of questions for you to qualify or disqualify for a survey.  It happens a lot that you get disqualified after 30 minutes of questions which is so unfair to the panelist. 

If a company decides to pay for the survey, the pay can range from 10 cents to $1 for 20 minutes or $1 for 30 minutes. Very seldom is it more than that so this is a confusing and losing kind of job to do. I don't know why survey panelists aren't valued more and they need to be. Even the minimum wage doesn't pay enough to be able to make it in today's expensive economy and survey panelists get paid way less than minimum wage. I had to choose to be a survey panelist for all these years because I work from home and I just only qualified for this kind of underpaid work.

Being a Blogger / YouTube Creator
So I decided many years ago to become a blogger and YouTube creator but currently have only a few videos and I do have quite a few blog topics. I had a blog for many years (20 years) with many topics but I deleted it 2 years ago and I wanted to start fresh. My old blogs weren't as good but Google did approve them for ads you cannot cash out your earnings with Google unless you have earned $100 and so I had maybe $50 and when I deleted my blog all that was lost. 

So now I have a blog with a few topics again. I think I will do better this time. To have a blog on Blogger you have to get approved by Google to make money with ads and Google has not approved my blog yet. Even if I get approved for ads, Google does not pay a lot for having ads on my blogs. I can choose to put my own ads like for Amazon and I will do that and maybe one day Google will approve my blogs for ads so I can earn a little pocket money. I did the same thing with YouTube and I had videos that I had uploaded on there but deleted them and am starting new.

YouTube which is basically Google, does not allow ads on one's videos until a creator has 1000 subscribers. Currently, I am studying how to get that many and also there are other ways to earn on YouTube. I am learning about that from other creators on YouTube and applying that knowledge takes time of course.

My Current Work Situation
I just wanted my readers to know that currently, I am not making any money with blogging or YouTube videos. On YouTube, I have a long way to go before I can earn but there are great videos out there teaching how to achieve this goal sooner so that is what I am doing currently.  Occasionally I also still do surveys even though the pay is ridiculously low but every dollar helps. However, I have done very few surveys lately because blogging does not allow many more jobs to be done due to time constraints. I believe in always working even if you are older than you used to be because maybe my work can do some good in the world and that would be great.

Image Source
Pixaby "Firmbee"

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