The Cost of Living Expenses in the United States in 2023

This is How the High Cost of Living Affects Americans

1) Homeownership Expenses
Homeownership is very expensive now in America. This includes the land the home is sitting on.

The Average Home Price in the United States in 2023
Average home prices are about $416,100 in 2023. The median home sales price is $416,100 as of the second quarter of 2023. That's a 26% increase from 2020, when the median was $329,000. Note: All these high prices are constantly going up including all the other costs mentioned below.

2) Yearly Land and Home Tax 
As an example, the median real estate tax paid in the United States overall was $2,971 (a year and going up constantly), while the median home value was $268,800. That makes the effective property tax rate for the United States 1.11%.

3) Yearly Upkeep of Your Home
How to work home maintenance into your budget. As a general rule, you should expect your annual home maintenance costs to amount to 1% to 4% of your home's value. This means if your home is worth $300,000, you might spend anywhere from $3,000 a year to $12,000 a year on upkeep.

4) Yearly Insurance on Your Home
 The average is $1980 per year which is $165 a month in TN.

1) Car ownership: The cost of a Used car in the USA in 2023
 Used Cars cost about $30,700, new ones cost $15,600 more than used ones. Might have to add sales tax.

2) Yearly Car Insurance Cost
The national average cost for car insurance is $2,150 per year, according to Forbes Advisor's analysis. This rate is for full coverage car insurance, which includes optional coverage for theft and damage to your own vehicle. Now everyone needs basic car insurance and it is the law. Car insurance increases every year as the car gets older because if the car is older it is more expensive to repair.

3) Yearly Car Repair and Upkeep
Average cost of car repairs According to AAA, car maintenance costs roughly $800 a year, or about $66 a month. This includes routine maintenance like oil changes, tire rotations, and multipoint inspections. Unexpected repairs – following a collision or malfunction – can be harder to predict.

4) Yearly Taxes to be Paid
 About $110 a year in TN.

5) Monthly Gasoline Cost
About $50 to $100 a month.

More Possible Options
1) Renting an Apartment or Home
About $1000 a month and going up constantly. This is if you don't have a home that you have bought. This is why there are so many homeless people in America and they have no home and are not wanted and are constantly being chased away. 

2) Life Insurance in Case you Die 
The need to pay for the funeral: About $120 a month if you have $10,000 life insurance (2 people).

3) Monthly Electricity and Yearly Trash Pickup
Electricity is about  $ 100 - $200 a month in TN
Trash is about $60 a year in TN.

4) Water Usage 
We pay about $70 a month in TN.

5) Cable Bill for Home Phone, Internet, and TV service
Costs almost $200 a month and it just increased again. Right now the cable bill has increased and in addition to increasing now, they have put the sports channels on hold which my husband wants to watch. This happened even though we are paying more again this month for cable TV (plus phone and internet., the phone is through the internet).

6) Food and Drink Every Month
About $600 and up if you live on a budget. Constantly going up.

7) Medical Costs on Average in the USA
The United States has one of the highest costs of healthcare in the world. In 2021, U.S. healthcare spending reached $4.3 trillion, which averages to about $12,900 per person. Includes monthly insurance premiums and out-of-pocket expenses. About $500 and up a month in premium to the health insurance company. Am not sure if the dreaded copay is included. How much you pay for copay, etc. depends on the health plan you have.

How Much Does it Cost to See a Doctor in the USA without Insurance?
The cost of a primary care visit when paying out of pocket averages $171, but can range between $75 to nearly $300 for a basic exam without insurance. The cost of primary care can be upwards of $600 depending on the lab tests and immunizations being done at the time of care.

This is why average people in the USA cannot afford to go to the doctor.

8) Travel
 Forget travel or other hobbies you might have. It is no longer affordable (unless you are in the higher income range).

All Items Listed Above
In the above list, all the items, especially health care, basic necessities, etc. home, car, food, etc. all these items are already very expensive and still are going up which is very difficult on people, and many people can no longer afford a home, land tax, medical care, etc.

Americans Pay A Lot of Taxes
Americans have to pay taxes on everything. A home, a car, food and drink in the store, land tax if you own a home. Any bill you get in the mail. Income tax is due every year if you make more than the amount allowed by law which is maybe if you make more than $30,000 for 2 people in the home w/out children. With children, they have mercy on you and if you make $30, 000 a year with 2 people and 1 child you don't pay income tax but get back maybe $1,000 a month, possibly and this goes up with every additional child and you will need it since they need clothing, school material, food, etc.

The Rich and the Poor 
And when the wealthy who live in expensive mansions across the country, if they are not happy with their income, which is extensive, then prices will go up again and nobody can afford anything at this time I wonder how is it people still living in homes and driving cars and how do they all have money to buy food? This is happening right now. There are virtually no laws protecting average Americans from increases in rent or other costs of living. It is all financial terrorism and it no longer means "live and let live" but it means "if you are alive and cannot afford the expenses then you don't deserve to live." But the wealthy don't admit that this is what it means to them.
The Average Monthly Income for Average Americans
1) Low income: $15,000 - 28,000 for very low-income Americans (depending on how many dependents too and if there are many then they have to get help from the government and most likely they have public housing and if no housing then they are or will be homeless. Homelessness is increasing in America and the wealthy do not care about the homeless and the homeless have virtually no right. They don't even have the right to live in a tent on some land anywhere and are constantly being chased away). This is the situation of how much "in God we trust" the elite in America is about and they do not do what Jesus said, which is "to love one's neighbor as yourself." They don't even know or want to know what it means. We might as well be back in the dark ages.

2) Low to Medium Income 
$29,000 a month for 2 people, if more people, including children, then they will get assistance of some kind maybe food stamps or an income tax relief to survive.

3) Middle-Class Earnings 
United States Monthly Earnings stood at 4,629 USD in Jul 2023, compared with the previous figure of 4,623 USD in Jun 2023 ($53,000 a year). See the table below for more data. It also means if you have children then you have to pay less income tax and it depends on how many children. If you are middle class then you have many bills too. For example, health insurance depends on how much income you have, and therefore the middle class has to pay very much for health insurance a month and it is ridiculous. You might have a good income here but the cost of healthcare will reduce your income drastically and in the end, you won't make much more than the low to medium income. 

If you have a very bad illness that requires a lot of medical care then you will have to pay a lot of out-of-pocket expenses and if you had saved money for retirement, that money will then be wiped out and you no longer have savings. The government will know every dollar you earn and every dollar you spend so they can determine if you are poor, middle class, or whatever and this also determines if you are eligible for the help of any kind and if you are middle class with all that income, then, even though you have many bills, you might or might not get help from the government. It all depends on their determination of your situation and you won't know what that is until they tell you what it is. This is how the income structure is for the average American.

4) The High Income of the Wealthy
One can imagine that since these people make hundreds of thousands of dollars and or even millions, then it doesn't matter so much if healthcare is not affordable. I don't know how that works but it works for them somehow because if you see the politicians on camera, they all look healthy enough. I am sure they eat a steak at least twice a week and are members of golf clubs or whatever they do and am sure they go on cruises on humongous cruise ships whenever they can which is a lot of times.

5) The Elite Drown in Money
They are drowning in money (billions or trillions) and they can't wait to get more every second of the day. They don't care if they oppress the average Americans with their bills and whatever it is they do to make life miserable, financially, for average Americans. You don't believe this? Try and move to America and you will see it is 100% true.


Life in America and How to Survive Financially
Life in America might as well be as bad now as it was in the dark ages and it always has been the same in the case of humanity: the ones with money always oppress the ones who have much less money than they have. The first immigrants wanted to make life better in America than it was in Europe but instead, now, it is called the most powerful country in the world but the people living in it are mostly oppressed. Average Americans are the ones who pay for the powerful military machinery (with all the taxes they constantly have to pay) that America has. Average Americans are who make America the most powerful country in the world and they do it with their blood (unnecessary wars), tears (having to worry about how to survive), and sweat (the hard work they do for little to no income to survive).

Wealthy Americans and Taxes
Wealthy Americans pay little to none in taxes and are protected by the government. The government does not seem to go after them to determine their income to how much they should pay in taxes because their status allows them to be above the law.

Only 1-5% are wealthy and if they are wealthy it means they care little to none for the lower classes and oppression is their weapon of choice. against their fellow human beings. 

When I see homeless people lying under trees (bugs crawling over them while still alive, how would the wealthy ones like to live like that?) in the area where I live, having no home and or money to live on, I feel sad because it shouldn't be that way. I do pray for them a lot and we all need to do that, all of us who still have a heart because the love of money has not destroyed our Christian humanity yet.

Crime Has Increased: People Steal to Survive
Crime also has increased, especially the crime of stealing to survive, because very poor people often are so desperate to survive that they do things that they shouldn't do. But these kinds of people also lived during the time when Jesus (and so far the narcissistic part of humanity has learned nothing since that time, they must be ignoring the Bible and they live life for here, the temporary way of life) was alive as is demonstrated by the thief who talked to Jesus. Jesus said the poor will always be among you because He knew that the love of money would corrupt even the seemingly nicest of people and this will also reveal (bring to light) who has a heart for the poor and desperate and who doesn't.

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