Basic Income Categories in the United States

Introduction to the Federal Poverty Level
The federal poverty level definition of low income for a single-person household is $14,580 annually in 2023, with an additional $5,140 added for each additional person in the household. These guidelines are updated annually to account for inflation, resulting in a poverty guideline of $30,000 annually for a family of four.

Numbers for 2023

Lower-Income Class
1 person household: $14,580
2 person household: $19,720
3 person household:
4 person household: $24,860
5 person household: $30,000

Middle Class Income
What will be the middle-class income in 2023, as per the guidelines provided by the Pew Research Center? Middle-income Americans are projected to have annual incomes ranging from $38,133 to $114,400 in 2023, before considering the local cost of living and household size. For more information on calculating your net worth, please refer to the article "How to Calculate Your Net Worth."

Incomes from $38,133 - $114,400 are considered middle-class income in 2023.

Upper-Class Income: (20% of earners)
The income range for individuals in the upper middle class falls between $89,745 and $149,131. On the other hand, the upper class comprises the highest 20% of earners, with incomes of $149,132 or above.

Upper Middle Class Income range: $89,745 - $149,131
Upper Class Income: $149,132

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