The Cost of Immigration at the US/Mexico Border

The Migrants at the US/Mexico Border
The people at the US border to Mexico want to immigrate legally but it is so expensive and they don't have the funds to pay the fees to legally immigrate to the United States. Not having enough income/money in Mexico is the #1 reason they want to immigrate in the first place to find jobs in the USA. Not all migrants at the border are Mexican and many are from other countries also.

The Camel and the Eye of the Needle Message 
I post about the poor because Jesus cares about the poor and it is evident in the Bible that He does. He says to the rich man to give his wealth to the poor but he refuses Jesus says it is so difficult for a wealthy man to give up his wealth that it becomes as difficult as a camel passing through the eye of a needle and a camel can't pass through the eye of a needle and we all know that. It was a great example, a perfect example of how difficult it is for the wealthy to give up their wealth.

"Liberty and Justice for All" and "In God We Trust"
To charge huge fees to immigrate to the USA, a country that "In God we trust" and "liberty and justice for all" is a tragedy and hypocrisy because the immigration officials know that poor people cannot afford the huge fees charged to them to legally immigrate so then they immigrate illegally which is wrong too but they are desperate and only God can judge them for that. Often they immigrate illegally and then they file to be accepted legally that is also expensive and it can cost thousands of dollars. 

The Cost of Immigrating to the USA
If we sum up all the specific payments towards acquiring citizenship in the USA, the total ranges from $4,000 to $11,300. However, most people end up spending between $6,000 and $8,000. This is a major expense, and financial preparation is a vital aspect of the migration journey. This high cost makes it impossible for Mexicans to immigrate legally to the USA even though they are already part of America. These fees are ridiculously high for the poor who want to immigrate to the United States and like I said before the fees should be adjusted according to the ability to pay and it should be no more than $100 this way immigration can remain legal as it always has been.

Immigration used to be free as the country has become more sophisticated with multiple laws and lawyers and they all profit tremendously from suffering migrants who want to immigrate to the USA.  It is now impossible for the poor to immigrate to the US and the US is a country for immigrants but at this time it seems the US is only affordable to immigrate for those who have enough money to do so which is such a great tragedy/hypocrisy. If they do charge immigration fees then it should be according to ability to pay and $100 should be the highest fee poor people should have to pay. This would prevent illegal immigration drastically and it would be the humane thing to do in a country that was founded by immigrants.

The Bottom Line is What Jesus Said to Do
The bottom line is that Jesus said to love one's neighbor as oneself and to give to the needy what they want if you have it then give it to them, if you are able, do it. That is Jesus' lesson to Christians and nothing else. He never said to make it impossible for the poor to come to a country of immigrants, that was established for immigrants because they are poor and cannot afford the fees it requires and Jesus knows this is a huge hypocrisy. Jesus never said we are in this life to enrich ourselves in a country that is in God we trust but He expects such a country to do what God wants us to do which is to love our neighbor as ourselves, to bless those who curse us and to give to the needy what they need if we can do so.

One reason why legal immigration is so expensive is that some wealthy people seem to be worried that if immigration is affordable then they can no longer enrich themselves in the same way that they had been. "In God we trust" is about and they are overlooking what Jesus said which is to love one's neighbor as oneself.  Mexico is our neighbor and also, Mexico is part of North America. For example, Canada is also part of North America but it does not have a border crisis because most Canadians don't want to immigrate because their country has enough resources for its people. On the other hand, many wealthy Americans love to hire illegal immigrants to be able to pay them lower wages than they would have to pay Americans.

Mexico Looks Like a Handle Holding up North America on the Map
If you look at the map of North America, Mexico looks like it is a handle holding up/supporting the United States. Whatever the reason may be about why it is so expensive to immigrate to the USA, we are not here to enrich ourselves at the expense of our poor neighbors but to help others is what Jesus said to do and since we trust in God we need to live by those words from the Bible.  Interestingly, a famous celebrity, Kerry Washington made a true statement when she said that "people are not illegal."


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